Education System


This blog post has nothing to do with mathematics but just wanted to vent out my emotions.

I know that my opinions regarding the education system don’t matter since there always have been smarter people (i.e. people scoring more than me) around me in my home, school and college (and according to this system, only the opinions of top scorers matter). But, since WordPress allows me to express my opinions, here are the few comics which are in sync with my opinions:


© Bill Watterson


couldn’t find the creator of this comic


© Awantha Artigala


© Bill Watterson

I don’t think there is any solution to this problem since there are so many human beings on earth (i.e large variety of minds…).

3 responses

  1. I have contemplated this problem a whole lot, mostly because I’ve been involved with curriculum development along novel and experimental lines. I can only say this: it is for those concerned and bothered by this state of affairs to do something about it. The bureaucrats and politicians will never improve the quality and caliber of education on their own. But sadly it takes more time, motivation, and effort than most people are willing to commit.

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  2. I cannot agree with you any less Gaurish, as to the kind of learning we have to undergo within the confines of our education model. As someone who frequently wishes to stray into interesting questions and problems, not always pertaining to the course curricula, I can only dream of an ideal world where you are graded on whatever work you wish to do yourself ! Wake up in the morning and get back to the most engaging question/problem you have in your mind and build your knowledge of existing work in various areas around your own little problem.

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