Mathematical Almora


Centre of Excellence in Mathematical Sciences, Almora

For last two weeks I was in Almora (SSJ Campus of Kumaon University), attending Undergraduate Summer Workshop. There were lectures and tutorials on Group Theory, Linear Algebra and Real Analysis. I was successful in meeting Prof. E. K. Narayanan and discussing one of my research problems. These two weeks were incredible. 

50 students, most of them strangers to each other, came together to learn mathematics (though some participants denied this fact). We all had different backgrounds and interests which made my experience more colorful. During free time we visited local markets, Kasar Devi Mandir, Simtola Eco Park and Binsar Wildlife Sanctuary.


Langurs at Binsar (photo courtesy: Kamal Kishore)

I had lot of new experiences like taking bath in naula (harvested water springs in Kumaon), living in dormitory (with 12 others), going for evening walk on माल road (I don’t understand why they write it “mall” instead of “maal” in English).


Sunset at maal road , Almora

Unfortunately the life is too small to revisit Almora and meet all of my buddies again, but still I hope to meet all of them again at some point of my life.

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